Interview Camilla Rånes Bye

 Interview Camilla Rånes Bye

Norway is known for delivering great strong Sprinters who could also handle the classics. Thor Hushovd, Alexander Kristoff, Edvald Boasson Hagen proved themselves well in the past years. For the future, they have a girl on who they can rely on. Camilla Rånes Bye is a young teenager who already proved herself as a good sprinter between mature elite riders. In this interview, she tells about her development, her dreams and she even shares you some advice to continue your bike rides in the coldest circumstances.

As a teenager you're already doing WWT races for 2 years. How does it feel to ride immediatly in such a strong mature peloton?

To be honest it’s hard, it’s a high level and tough competition. Mentally and physically hard because in a lot of races I’m just riding to survive the race. But since this is the highest level I know where I have to be in some years, and I know where the highest level is.

You mainly showed yourself as a sprinter. Do you want to continue on this path or also show yourself on other terrains?

I think sprint is my strongest strength on the bike, but I also want to get better in hills. I think on a long term the spring classics will suit me, when it’s not a big bunch sprint, but in a reduced peloton or from a smaller group.

What are your long term ambitions?

I want to be one of the best riders in the world, and sprint for the big victories.

As a Norwegian, do you have any advice for our readers to get through cold Winter trainings?

Wear enough clothes! And if you get really fast cold on your feet as me, by heated socks to where in you cycling shoes. But I think riding in the cold weather makes you stronger, when you’re suffering in training it makes it easier in the cold races.

Do you have any people who inspire you inside or outside the sport?

My mother has always been an idol for me, she is such a strong women. But in cycling I would say Lotte Kopecky, I really like her rider type, being a good sprinter and climbing really good, it’s impressive.

What has been your favourite race so far?

Paris-Roubaix, no doubt! Was nervous before the race how I would manage the cobbles, but it went so well, felt like flying over the cobbles.

Where can we cheer for you in the coming months?

I’m going to race Dwars door het Hageland and SPAR Flanders Diamond Tour next weekend, and after that it’s the national championship in Norway. Later in the summer I will have some races in Belgium, and some in Poland.

Which race do you dream to win in the future?

