Friday 20 October 2023

Interview Hanna Tserakh (EN)

 Interview Hanna Tserakh

She was problably the biggest suprise in a World Tour race this season. Hanna Tserakh beated some of the best sprinters in the World during the Tour of Chongming Island. The talented Belarusian couldn't race for almost 2 years due to the impact of sanctions. She worked hard domestically with some great results and now also proved her strength abroad. In this interview she looks back at what she achieved and what she would like to achieve more.

You won a stage in China against some of the best riders in the world. How did you experience these 3 days?

First of all it was exciting to start racing again, because my last international race was in Turkey in February 2022, I haven't competed at this level for almost 2 years. during this time I worked hard to reach the level I am at. and the moment when I was able to win the stage and wear the yellow jersey was even more exciting. I wanted to keep at least a place in the top three GCs. a lot of things didn't work out on the third day, but I'm glad that I was able to try my chance in such a difficult time for our country and for me personally.

You have been successful in track cycling as well. Which is more preferable for you - track or road?

I love both and try to combine them well.

What are your ambitions in the sport?

First of all I want to find a team that would help me to realize myself, and to compete on the international scene again. Since I compete on both track and road I would like to develop in these directions.

How do you evaluate the past year?

This year I managed to improve the record of Belarus on the track in individual pursuit, in team pursuit, I became the champion of Belarus on the track and on the road, and at the end of the year I was able to perform very successfully in China. having no other opportunities, I was able to realize 90% of my plans and win many races in which I had the opportunity to participate.

What brought you into cycling?

A coach came to the school where I was studying to recruit children for cycling, that's how I started my career when I was 11 years old.

You are an example for young Belarusian girls who also want to become successful cyclists. Which advice would you give them?

I would advise them to learn to be disciplined and to enjoy themselves. Our people are very hardworking, so even those athletes who don't have a lot of talent can achieve high results by their hard work.

What are your main interests outside of cycling?

I love music, I love being outdoors, spending time with my family and loved ones.

How has sport changed you as a person?

Sport has taught me patience, hard work, discipline, hardened my character, taught me loyalty, patriotism.

Interview Hanna Tserakh (RU)

Интервью Ханна Церах

Она стала, пожалуй, самым большим сюрпризом в гонках World Tour в этом сезоне. Ханна Церах обыграла лучших спринтеров мира на Tour of Chongming Island. Талантливая белоруска почти 2 года не могла участвовать в гонках из-за санкций. Она много работала внутри страны, показав отличные результаты, а теперь доказала свою силу и за рубежом. В этом интервью она вспоминает о том, чего ей удалось достичь и чего ей хотелось бы достичь еще.

Вы выиграли этап в Китае у одних из лучших гонщиков мира. Как Вы пережили эти 3 дня?

во-первых волнительно было снова начать выступать в гонках, потому что моя последняя международна гонка была в турции в 2022 году в феврале, почти 2 года я не выступала в соревнованиях такого уровня. за это время я много работала чтобы достичь того уровня на котором я нахожусь. и тот момент когда я смогла выиграть этап и одеть желтую майку стал еще более волнительным. хотелось сохранить по меньшей мере место в тройке лучших GC. много что не получилось в третий день, но я рада что смогла испытать свой шанс в такое непростое время для нашей страны и для меня лично.

Вы добились успеха и в велоспорте на треке. Что для Вас предпочтительнее - трек или шоссе?

я люблю оба этих вида и стараюсь неплохо их совмещать.

Каковы Ваши амбиции в спорте?

для начала я хочу найти команду которая помогла бы мне себя реализовать, и снова выступать на международной арене. так как я выступаю и на треке и на шоссе то мне бы хотелось развиваться в этих направлениях.

Как Вы оцениваете прошедший год?

в этом году мне удалось обновить рекорд Беларуси на треке в individual pursuit , в team pursuit, я стала чемпионкой Беларуси на треке и на шоссе, и в конце года я смогла очень удачно выступить в Китае. не имея других возможностей, я смогла реализовать 90% своих планов и победить во многих гонках , в которых у меня была возможность участвовать.

Что привело Вас в велоспорт?

тренер приходил в школу где я училась набирать детей для занятий велоспортом, так я и начала свою карьеру когда мне было 11 лет  

Вы являетесь примером для молодых белорусских девушек, которые тоже хотят стать успешными велосипедистками. Что бы Вы посоветовали им?

я бы посоветовала научиться быть дисциплинированными и получать удовольствие от занятий. наш народ очень трудолюбивый, поэтому даже те спортсмены у которых не так много таланта, смогут добиться высоких результатов своим трудом.

Что Вас больше всего интересует вне велоспорта?

я люблю музыку, люблю быть на природе, проводить время с семьей и близкими людьми.

Как спорт изменил Вас как личность?

спорт научил меня терпению, трудолюбию, дисциплине, закалил мой характер, научил меня преданности, патриотизму.

Wednesday 11 October 2023

Interview Alena Ivanchenko

 Interview Alena Ivanchenko

The World discovered her at a time trial in Bruges. In the Venice of the North she became junior time trial worldchampion and since then Alena Ivanchenko kept setting steps forward. The 20 years old rider already won her first elite time trial and developed herself as a stage racer as well. The Russian rider can look back at a succesful second season in the elite category and can dream about more in the coming years. A strong time trialist who can climb well, the ideal recipe for a future grand tour stage racer.

You became time trial Worldchampion as a junior. How do you look back at that moment?

For me it was one of the first international starts.Of course I was excited and waiting for these starts. It was something special, new to me. And I think it will stay that way.

How did you experience this season?

This season I was able to take part in several stage races, which I am very happy about, since this stage was unknown for me.

You did very well in the stage races this season. Would you like to improve in this domain in the future?

Of course, I would like to improve my results in the field of these races. They really interested me. I think this is a real test not only of strength but also of spirit.

What are your ambitions in the future?

I think I still have a lot to learn. But I can say that I will work on performances in stage races and races with a separate start.

You're also studying. How do you combine studies with cycling?

In fact, it is quite difficult to combine study and sports. Because we need firm discipline.I try to pay more attention to my studies in the off-season and in between blocks of races.

You're still young. Which new experiences did cycling have in your life and did it change your personality?

Cycling has brought and brings countless impressions into my life. For me, one of the main impressions is the feeling of freedom. Throughout the whole journey, cycling is constantly changing and stabbing my personality. I learn something new and bring in certain traits of my personality.

You also like to try dishes from all over the world. What are your favourite cuisines and which Russian food would you recommend to people?

I have not tried dishes from all countries, but at the moment I can say that Italian cuisine is my priority.I would advise you to definitely try Russian dairy products. Russia has a large number of varieties of dairy products.And I think I will also recommend soups.Especially on a cool, winter day - this is what you need.

Who inspired you to do cycling?

I don’t have a definite inspiration yet. But with each new race, I get to know new athletes who inspire me with certain actions, not only during races, but also in everyday life.